Friday, July 01, 2016

Rotation, part deux

Finally, Have the tripod and Elevation Rotor, which for some reason my old brain had translated into Yaesu whatever.

In reality, it's a Kenpro, KR-500, with matching controller:

This will allow pursuit of many more options, and basically will allow me to work
from my shack, gaining more expertise with the Yaesu FT-736R. 

This is a nice rig, pretty sensitive receiver, and I've had the most success (such that it has been) using this through the linear transponder sats.

If I run into a nice azimuth rotor deal, I may add that in, with commensurate satpc32 control.

However, for now, this is my basic setup: quick manual positioning of the tripod/antenna for optimal vertical rotation, position antenna for start, head into shack to complete, adjusting the angle for best signal.

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