Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Q Codes

 How many do you use? I believe I've only used (spoken or cw) 6: 

  1. QSL
  2. QRT
  3. QSO
  4. QTH
  5. QRM
  6. QRL

Q-codes as adapted for use in amateur radio[edit]

CodeQuestionAnswer or statement
QNAnot applicableAnswer Net Control in pre-arranged order, or only specified station check in
QNFIs the net Free?The net is free
QNIMay I join the net?You may check in ...
QNUDoes the net have traffic for me?The net has traffic for you; please stand by
QNXMay I be excused from net?You are excused
QRAWhat is the name (or call sign) of your station?The name (or call sign) of my station is ...
QRGWill you tell me my exact frequency (or that of ...)?Your exact frequency (or that of ... ) is ... kHz (or MHz).
QRHDoes my frequency vary?Your frequency varies.
QRIHow is the tone of my transmission?The tone of your transmission is (1. Good; 2. Variable; 3. Bad)
QRJHow many voice contacts do you want to make?I want to make ... voice contacts.
QRKWhat is the readability of my signals (or those of ...)?The readability of your signals (or those of ...) is ... (1 to 5).
QRLAre you busy?I am busy (in contact with ... ). Please do not interfere.
QRMDo you have (human-made) interference?I have (human-made) interference.
QRNAre you troubled by (natural) static?I am troubled by (natural) static.
QROShall I increase power?Increase power.
QRPShall I decrease power?Decrease power.
QRQShall I send faster?Send faster (... wpm).
QRSShall I send more slowly?Send more slowly (... wpm).
QRTShall I cease or suspend operation? / shutoff the radio?I am suspending operation / shutting off the radio.
QRUHave you anything for me?I have ... messages for you.
QRVAre you ready?I am ready.
QRWShall I inform ... that you are calling (him) on ... kHz (or MHz)?Please inform ... that I am calling (him) on ... kHz (or MHz).
QRXShall I standby? / When will you call me again?Please standby / I will call you again at ... (hours) on ... kHz (or MHz)
QRZWho is calling me?You are being called by ... on ... kHz (or MHz)
QSAWhat is the strength of my signals (or those of ... )?The strength of your signals (or those of ...) is ... (1 to 5).
QSBAre my signals fading?Your signals are fading.
QSDIs my keying defective?Your keying is defective.
QSGShall I send ... telegrams (messages) at a time?Send ... telegrams (messages) at a time.
QSHStay Happy & Healthy[17]Stay Happy & Healthy
QSKCan you hear me between your signals?I can hear you between my signals.
QSLCan you acknowledge receipt?I will acknowledge receipt.
QSMShall I repeat the last telegram (message) which I sent you, or some previous telegram (message)?Repeat the last telegram (message) which you sent me (or telegram(s) / message(s) numbers(s) ... ).
QSNDid you hear me (or ... (call sign)) on ... kHz (or MHz)?I did hear you (or ... (call sign)) on ... kHz (or MHz).
QSOCan you communicate with ... direct or by relay?I can communicate with ... direct (or by relay through ... ).
QSPWill you relay a message to ... ?I will relay a message to ... .
QSRDo you want me to repeat my call?Please repeat your call; I did not hear you.
QSSWhat working frequency will you use?I will use the working frequency ... kHz (or MHz).
QSTShould I repeat the prior message to all amateurs I contact?Here follows a broadcast message to all amateurs.
QSUShall I send or reply on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz))?Send or reply on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)).
QSWWill you send on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz))?I am going to send on this frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)).
QSXWill you listen to ... (call sign(s) on ... kHz (or MHz))?I am listening to ... (call sign(s) on ... kHz (or MHz))
QSYShall I change to transmission on another frequency?Change to transmission on another frequency (or on ... kHz (or MHz)).
QSZShall I send each word or group more than once?Send each word or group twice (or ... times).
QTAShall I cancel telegram (message) number ... as if it had not been sent?Cancel telegram (message) number ... as if it had not been sent.
QTCHow many telegrams (messages) have you to send?I have ... telegrams (messages) for you (or for ... ).
QTHWhat is your position in latitude and longitude? (or according to any other indication)My position is ... latitude ... longitude.
QTRWhat is the correct time?The correct time is ... hours UTC.
QTUAt what times are you operating?I am operating from ... to ... hours.
QTXWill you keep your station open for further communication with me until further notice (or until ... hours)?I will keep my station open for further communication with you until further notice (or until ... hours).
QUAHave you news of ... (call sign)?Here is news of ... (call sign).
QUCWhat is the number (or other indication) of the last message you received from me (or from ... (call sign))?The number (or other indication) of the last message I received from you (or from ... (call sign)) is ...
QUDHave you received the urgency signal sent by ... (call sign of mobile station)?I have received the urgency signal sent by ... (call sign of mobile station) at ... hours.
QUECan you speak in ... (language) – with interpreter if necessary – if so, on what frequencies?I can speak in ... (language) on ... kHz (or MHz).
QUFHave you received the distress signal sent by ... (call sign of mobile station)?I have received the distress signal sent by ... (call sign of mobile station) at ... hours.

Notes for response to radiotelegraph Q-codes

Monday, February 15, 2021


Latest image, running on a pi4, using an rtl-sdr to a low roof mounted groundplane:

Note some definitions:

About the Enhancements

This page shows just some of the 35 enhancements WXtoImg provides:


Multi-Spectral Analysis: combines a sensor 1 or 2 (visible/near infrared) image with a sensor 4 (thermal infrared) image to create a near true colour, near visible image of the earth.


Map Coloured IR with Precip: uses sensor 4 (thermal infrared) to create a false coloured image showing areas of likely precipitation. The likelihood and intensity of precipitation increases as the colour goes from green to yellow to orange to red to black to white.


HVCT false colour: creates a false coloured image by combining a sensor 1 or 2 (visible/near infrared) image with a sensor 4 image (thermal infrared) to create an image in which clouds are tinted by their temperature.


These are images as they come from the satellite without alteration. The earth appears "upside down" on Northbound passes. The two images are the two channels sent by the satellite with channel A (left) switching between sensor 1 (visible) or 2 (near-IR) during the day and sensor 3 (mid-IR) at night and channel B (right) showing sensor 4 (thermal-IR) at all times during normal operation.

ThermalThermal: Creates false color images using the temperatures from (sensor 4) Thermai Infrared image. This sensor covers the full range temperatures from very cold cloud tops to very hot deserts.
SSTSea Surface Temperature: creates a false colour image by combining sensors 3 and 4 (Infrared) and using a pre-defined palette colour the image.