Monday, January 04, 2016


Having time that aligns with satellite passes is always a challenge.

Having to work Satellites manually, without aid of rotors, is a bigger challenge.

I was on FO-29 last week and finally found myself on the downlink, by whistling.
However, in the process, I called "CQ Satellite" a few times and stepped on a pileup
created by Yuri UT1FG/MM.  Big OOPs.

I worked using my FT-736R on the 2 meter uplink and the FT-817 on the 70cm downlink,
though there was no particular reason, other than the few extra watts the 736 puts out.

Throughout the pass, I manually tracked the sat using my Elk Yagi, mounted on a tripod.
It was clumsy, but it worked.

Now I need to figure out how to hear myself better. Perhaps using CW and making sure via
charts that I am not intentionally stepping on anyone.

Our friend, Doppler, got me this time.

Not again, my friend !  :D

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