Friday, April 09, 2021

Xastir, FLRIG and miscellaneous ramblings

Been trying to casually hook up to the digital sats again, had some success one night using Xastir on my rpi 4. However, after switching things up for an unsuccessful attempt at Falconsat-3, I think I screwed up some setting somewhere such that I can monitor sat aprs traffic, but have not been able to get digipeated again :(

I suppose more to come when I get a chance.

Working fairly flawlessly, if with somewhat noisy images most of the time, I also have a noelec rtl-sdr running Raspberry-Noaa-v2 software for NOAA satellite image reception. It tweets out some images every day to my personal account and has been up and good for about a month, maybe more.

On my other Pi, an rpi 3, I have wsjtx setup with an xggcomm cable to my IC-706

Recently, I looked into KM4ACK's tutorial on getting winlink (ardop) running on an rpi. His Pi tutorials are fairly comprehensive and work, for the configurations he has.

Got ardop setup and installed, and he suggested downloading and building FLRIG for rig control. Following his directions I was successfully able to compile and install FLRIG.

HOWEVER, as is, the distro does not work for my radio / interface combo.  I have to reach out to the FLRIG author for more info.

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