Tuesday, December 15, 2015


With the decline of the hobby electronics industry, here in New Jersey we have lost essentially all stores which stock cable, connectors and parts for electronic, specifically amateur radio, pursuits.

As such, I'm relegated to ordering connectors via an online supplier or, typically, amazon.

Here there are a plethora of Chinese suppliers who seem to provide perfectly adequate connectors.

IF they get the order right.

A big "IF"

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Shack Picture

Update 1/4/2016:

New home for my current rigs:

  • IC-706
  • FT-736R
  • FT-817 and lastly
  • SDRplay SDR

Have an MFJ through-window feed panel and power supply setup.

Have 3 antennas outside, not permanently mounted yet:

  • A99, 10mtr 1/2 wave vertical
  • Elk 2m/70cm Log Periodic Yagi
  • MFJ 2m/70cm onmidirectional

Hey, I'm getting there :)

Monday, December 07, 2015

Satellite PSK


currently setting up a new home shack, have the components and among other
thinks... will try Sat PSK via IC706 -> up to a FT-817 down

edit: I think I'll actually be using the FT-736R down.... but we'll see :)

Should be fascinating!

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Destroy this one, and they'll all go.

I think this line by Spock, in Star Trek TOS, was the single reason I went into computers, even though I saw this episode years before my first encounter in a computer lab at Montclair State.

SPOCK: This one's the key. The circuit is now locked. Destroy this one, and they'll all go. 

Note that in my high school, learning about "computers" meant learning basic and submitting jobs through punched cards. I didn't take a computer class until freshman year in college.

I will also note that I never rose to greatness (big deal LOL) in either programming or position.

I have, however, been gainfully employed and have always enjoyed the technology and techniques applied to our world via the bits and bytes deployed in computers.

Now what is it about Satellites that drew me back to Ham Radio?

A sense of "fun"? Something different? Not sure.

One thing I'm sure of is that I'll never rise to "greatness" within the Ham Satellite community, but will definitely enjoy the ride of learning, and sense of adventure, as I point an antenna to an anticipated point of AOS and follow a track through LOS!

Tuesday, December 01, 2015


Had the Elk out over the weekend:
Tried listening to a pass of ao-7. Totally dead, not even a beacon heard on a 60deg pass.

Then caught a nice pass of AO -85...strong as expected but with a lot of fading/dips. Did an a/b comparison to check out with or without my MFJ-916b duplexor with pleasant results using the ft-817

Next I will be checking out a good pass using the rtl-sdr using HDSDR on a nextbook tablet.

I do have several additions on order for "the shack"

1. An Arrow GP146/440 antenna for general weather sat/highpower sat listening:
 2. An MFJ-4603 window feed through panel:

3. An SDR-PLAY software defined receiver:
