Thursday, June 09, 2016

Rotation - Option 5

Just wanted to correct something with respect to portable, outdoor (or even indoor) operation.

I had listed 4 options for my shack:
  1. to go outside and manually position the antenna, that is go semi-portable with the FT-736R, which I've done... 
  2. get a second FT-817 to work full duplex, and then go outside
  3. only try to work FM satellites using my FT-817 plus a handheld, OR
  4. get some kind of antenna rotor/positioning system in place

In fact, I was overlooking using my SDRPlay SDR receiver... so, in the spirit of "completeness"
there is option:

     5. use SDRPlay with HDSDR as a satellite downlink receiver. For uplink, the FT-817

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